Virtual ECU testing has become an effective method to test and verify vehicle electronics. Intrepid Control Systems offers Virtual ECU testing integration between Vehicle Spy and the most popular virtual ECU platforms. Virtual testing allows you to bypass the delays caused by supplier issues affecting your test bench. Virtual ECU solution enables you to sidestep these obstacles and maintain an uninterrupted testing workflow. No matter where you are in the world, Virtual ECU offers real-time fixes that ensure a smooth and efficient testing experience.
Key Benefits:
- Accelerated Testing Development: Begin testing in the cloud before physical ECUs are in hand.
- Supplier Issue Immunity: Sidestep supplier-related problems that impact your test bench and fix them virtually.
- Global Real-time Fixes: Experience seamless testing regardless of your geographical location, allows your team to work fully remotely.
Check out this brief video to learn more about Virtual ECU Testing and Validation!
Ready to try out Virtual ECU Testing with Vehicle Spy?
Here’s how Vehicle Spy can help you with Multiple levels of ECU virtualization testing:
- AUTOSAR COM Stack: Standardized automotive software architecture framework that aims to simplify the development of automotive ECUs.
- Python Interface: Use a popular programming language to talk to your vehicle and implement creative commands.
- Cross-Platform Solution: No matter what kind of operating system you have, you’re covered!
- Rest Bus Simulation: Simulate how different parts of the vehicle talk to each other.
- Diagnostics Support: Find out what’s going on inside an ECU using UDS / ISO14229, XCP and other protocols.
- Measurement of Signals, PDUs: Measure how things like speed and temperature are doing.
- Scripts for Automation Testing: Use computer programs to automate testing various aspects of the vehicle.

Are you excited to break free from the old ways of vehicle testing? Get ready to step into the future of vehicle development with Virtual ECU Technology integrated with Vehicle Spy. Contact our team to learn more about how you can upgrade your testing process and stay ahead in the fast, ever-changing automotive industry!